
Mithila Cuisine


मैथिल आराध्य जगत मे पातरी, भगवती के ..

मिथिला का  सुपर फूड

कोरोना काल के बाद विश्व के विभिन्न भोज्य पदार्थों के गुण दोष ....

माछ भात पाँच हाथ

माछ भात जलीय क्षेत्रों में खाया जाने वाला एक सर्वसुलभ पौष्टिक भोजन है..

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Our Mission

The CSTS believes in creating a platform for dialogue on social science, science, technology, philosophy, economy, lifeworld, and almost everything that concerns human beings. The idea is to look into the multiple dimensions of knowledge traditions, archiving the manuscripts, publishing the scholarly works, conducting seminars/workshops and action research on contemporary issues, rural uplifting, mother tongue promotion with special focus on Maithili language and literature, women’s empowerment, heritage conservation, promotion of local art and craft, Indo-Nepal relationship, promoting the discourse between modern and traditional, organising philosophical debates as soft power knowledge, reading culture, agricultural experiments, water conservation etc.

Our Vission

The CSTS aims to address the issue of uneven, unequal spectrum of developmental goals and it’s deep rooted crisis has propelled us to look for alternative modes of understanding. CSTS as an organization is an ardent believer in dynamism and pace of the tradition and traditional. We strive for becoming the voice of the marginalized.

How Can You Help?

Your donation will help us save and improve lives with research, education and emergency care.


Our Events

Centre for Studies of Tradition and System
2021-06-10 New Delhi
Venue Theme Pavilion, New Delhi World Book Fair, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi CSTS in collaboration with National Book Trust organized...
2019-01-12 New Delhi World Book Fair
Venue New Delhi World Book Fair CSTS organized a literary discussion on contemporary consciousness of literature writing and tradition of...
2019-01-06 New Delhi World Book Fair
Venue New Delhi World Book Fair CSTS organized a literary discussion on contemporary consciousness of literature writing. PanelistsKamla Kant Jha...
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted
Team Members
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted
Awards Won
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted

Latest Articles

वनक श्रृंगार
July 31, 2023
वनक श्रृंगार श्वेत हिरण सन सरपट दौड़ैये दिन दुर्निवार तैयो कुसुमक कली-कली करैये वनक श्रृंगार बहय पछवा आ कि पुरबा...
Contextualising the 'social': Reading Bhimnath Babu and Milton
July 28, 2023
Contextualising the 'social': Reading Bhimnath Babu and Milton It is argued that Milton’s Paradise Lost used literature as a medium...
May 29, 2023
Centre for Studies of Tradition & Systems (CSTS) in collaboration with Mithila Angel Network is geared towards forming Citizen’s Economic...

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